Saturday, June 27, 2009

eureka 6 response to prof M

Prof M,I just wanted to tell you what a remarkable class this was and I would highly recommend it. The format it was taught in was excellent. I think this class should be a requirement not an elective because it contains facts that are an essential part of life. This has been my favorite class; I took it as an elective and expected to just take a minimal amount of knowledge away from it but the truth is that the facts I’ve learned have helped me realize so much about my every day life. I look at the world a little different now and have already engaged in changing my personal behaviors because I am more conscious of them now. And i can't forget to mention the technological aspect of the class that has taught me about wiki pages and blogs. This is information I can use for future classes and will come in handy. Thanks for everything and have a great summer. I hope I have the pleasure of working with you again sometime in the future.Neeru
June 27, 2009 10:55:00 AM PDT


  1. Neeru,
    Thank you for such kind words...I am so glad that I was able to lead you to new perceptions. Always remember that you reality is always "reality". There are always other ways to perceive and think, if we just open our minds and hearts to look for them. I am so glad that you hung in there through your "technology scare"....I have enjoyed reading your thoughts...good luck in the future and the best of luck to at being a mom to your twins!

  2. Typo,,, I meant to say remember that you reality isn't always "reality"....
