Thursday, June 18, 2009

response to Sarah - Week #5

Hi Sarah,
Your right, I saw that movie a while back and never thought about it like that. Many people still do believe that joining the army will prove that you are a man because you are willing to put your life on the line for others and fight for your country. The media, movies, TV, radio, magazines just keeps on pumping society with these gender norms and there seems to be no hiding and no escape. I also get exactly what you are saying about 30 year old men still living at home. I think it’s a huge difference in the mentality of the generation. I think the newer generations just don’t want to work as hard and just want to be spoon fed but all the underlying gender norms are still there. You might be onto something with men losing sight to manhood causing them to feel a need for a movement. Another major role for men was to be the primary bread makers but now in today’s time most woman are bringing home a paycheck to right alongside their men so maybe they need to prove that they still are manly men.

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